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Wizyta w Polsce 2014
Druga wizyta w Polsce - Częstochowa
24. – 28.05.2014
Different Countries, but Similar People
W maju 2014 roku odbyła się druga wizyta robocza programu Comenius w naszej szkole. Spotkanie miało na celu podsumowanie pracy podczas dwóch lat projektu. Do Częstochowy przyjechali nauczyciele i uczniowie ze szkół z: Węgier i Włoch.
Plan wizyty był bardzo intensywny, ale znalazło sie w nim miejsce zarówno na pracę nad projektem jak i pokazanie naszym gościom Częstochowy, Krakowa, Tarnowskich Gór oraz innych atrakcji turystycznych regionu.
Nasi uczniowie i goście zaprezentowali swoje umiejętności taneczne, wokalne i językowe.
Odbyły się też lekcje z prezentacjami pokazów slajdów, na których byli obecni zarówno uczniowie jak i nauczyciele ze szkół partnerskich.
Meeting in Poland
From the 24th to 29th of May 2014 in Poland there took place the last visit of Comenius project: Different countries, but similar people. We were hosting the guests from Hungary and Italy.
Our Hungarian friends arrived to Częstochowa on Saturday. They were to come at 4.00 o`clock, but the bus broke down and they had to stand 5 hours in Slovakia and they were in our city at about 10.00 pm. Finally, our Comenius friends went to the host families`houses.
On Sunday Hungarians, Italians and Polish teachers went to Krakow and salt mine- Wieliczka. Our guests were sightseeing the Old Town of Krakow, Wawel, Sukiennice and they saw the Salt Mine. After caming back to Częstochowa Hungarian and Polish students went to see the city centre of Częstochowa by night.
On Monday morning at school there were performances of all partner countries. At first Polish students presented the theatrical performance. After that they were singing and dancing. Hungarian students were dancing and singing traditional Hungarian dances and songs.
In the afternoon the guests from abroad and Poland went sightseeing to Jasna Góra. Then students and teachers took part in the Quiz about Częstochowa City. Students were divided into groups and had to find the particular places and take the photo with that monument or place, for example with the fountain “Girl with pigeons”. After that, at school there was dinner prepared by parents and a disco.
On Tuesday Hungarian, Italian and Polish students and teachers went to the Sztolnia Złotego Pstrąga Silver Mine and to the Biały Borek Stable . In the mine the students sailed under the ground in the boats and learned how the silver was dug in the past. In Biały Borek they rode horse-drawn carriage and were eating fried sausages.
On Wednesday morning students and teachers presented the multimedia presentations about fauna, flora and tourist attractions in their regions. At about 2.00 o`clock our guests came back to their countries.
That was the last meeting within this Comenius Project. Schools from Poland Hungarian, Italy and Spain have worked together for 2 years. There was the time, when other nations get to know other people, countries, traditions. We have learnt about our regions, food, customs, culture and languages. I hope, that our school will take part in a similar project in the future;
Similarities between the Polish and the Hungarians:
- we listen to similar music
- our countries are in EU
- we have similar clothes
- we have similar fauna and flora
- our countries have a lot of monuments
- we look similar
- we like the same food
- we learn similar subjects at school
Differences between the Polish and the Hungarians:
- we have different English accent
- Hungarians have more lessons of English than Polish students
- we have different food
- Hungarians are happier
- we have different culture
- Polish people are more religious