- Loga projektów Erasmus+
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- Regulamin rekrutacji do projektu Erasmus 2020-2023
- Plan działań 2015-2018
- Blog e-twinning
- Regulamin wyjazdów Erasmus+
- Nowe logo projektu Let's Meet Together
- Eseje po wizycie w Hiszpanii, maj 2018
- Transnational Meeting Bailen 2017
- Wizyta w Norwegii 2017
- Wizyta na Węgrzech 2017
- Wizyta na Litwie 2016
- Wizyta na Węgrzech 2016
- Wizyta w Polsce 2015
- Harmonogram działań w ramach projektu na lata 2012-2014
- Efekty współpracy międzynarodowej
- Wizyta we Włoszech 2014
- Wizyta w Polsce 2014
- Wizyta we Włoszech 2013
- Wizyta na Węgrzech 2013
- Wizyta w Hiszpanii 2013
- Wizyta w Polsce 2012
- Logo projektu Comenius 2011-2014
- Wizyta Studyjna - Norway Grants
Nowe logo projektu Let's Meet Together
On the 21st and 22nd January 2016 in Zespół Szkół nr 2 in Częstochowa we made the election of the logo for our project: “Let`s Meet Together…” The activity was optional. We have received four logos from the Spanish school: Hermanos Medina Rivilla in Bailén and there have been prepared two logos of Polish school. The logos were made … perfectly with a lot of different ideas and the choice by one or two people was impossible. That`s why we decided to prepare a local elections.
The votation was democratic and the students who voted saw all six options marked only with numbers. There are some photos of the elections. We hope that all partners of the project will accept our choice and will put the logo on the project documents.
These are the results:
There were 198 students who voted.
The points were as follows: