• Plan działań 2015-2018

        • Let`s Meet Together  - The Schedule of activities

          Date: Months



          Responsible school



          1. The choice of the  group of students and teachers who will work in the project,
          2.  English test to see students` and teachers` level,
          3. Project`s website on e-Twinning,
          4.  Slideshows about partner schools – students` work,
          5. Rules for project`s participants    (t-chs and st-s) on working in the project and going abroad
          6. The students and teachers engaged in the project will fill Europass documents.



          Meeting in Poland –  Evaluation

           "Let`s Meet Together: In Our Regions".

          1. The schools will show their slideshows about their neighbourhood  and regions to learn about each other.
          2. There will be lessons when students teach each other, in international teams , some common phrases of partner languages. Then students will make a glossary with the basic vocabulary and some common phrases in all partner languages and English which we will use later during the project lifetime to communicate and during the meetings.
          3.  Polish school`s students will prepare a slideshow about interesting places of Częstochowa and a trip around tourist attractions of Częstochowa.
          4. Polish teachers and students of Early Children Education and Care will prepare lessons to show the work with the youngest with active teaching methods for all visitors. We will talk about the workshop on this subject for partner school teachers prepared by Polish teachers which will take place in November and which will be carried out by videoconference for all partner teachers.
          5.  Then we will discuss the active training methods with other teachers and think how to use them  while teaching at own schools. We will discuss how to deal with the following activities and what results quality we expect from each partner school, how the project`s outcomes will be disseminated. We will talk about the project e-Twinning platform and what should be put there and in which form. We plan to have a TV  or press interview to talk about the project and we will have the meeting in the Town Hall with the authorities. There will be meeting with the local community at common dinner of hosting families, students and teachers.

          After the  meeting there will be a slideshow at each school for the students, teachers and parents to show what we have done during the visit.



          1. All schools prepare a tour guide of their home city in the form of the book – st-s and t-chs` work.
          2.  Videoconference with the workshop for t-chs about active training methods – Polish school.




          January 2016

          1. Nativity plays – Polish school records a film with  Early  Children  Education and Care with students  as actors,


          1. Other schools: Crafts typical for my regions – slideshows, lessons, photos (e.g.: Caligraphy or Archery –Turkey, Rother traditional crafts)




          1. Videoconference to show what have been done and inter-meeting evaluation results – reports of the meetings on e-Twinning platform



          1. Geography of my region – students` slideshows
          2.  teachers` lessons



          1. Easter traditions in my region – st-s` mini projects and posters
          2. St-s learn to dance folk dances and prepare a slideshow about their national folk dances



          "Let`s Meet Together : At Music and Dances"

           Meeting in Hungary – Evaluation – survey

          1. The  schools will show their students` slideshows on "Geography of my region" and "Easter traditions in my region".  Partner school students will talk what they know about crafts typical for their countries and Polish school will show their film recorded during the Nativity performance prepared by ECEC students and teachers. The other participating schools` students will show their slideshows about local crafts. Thus we will show what have been done between the L/T/T Activities at schools.
          2. The performance of students from all partner schools to show their folk dances. The participating students will show their slideshows prepared at home schools about folk dances.
          3. Students and teachers will work on the common glossary with the vocabulary of all partner languages and English connected with music.
          4.  The hosting school will take the participants for the music concert at the partner city to observe their music culture.
          5. There will be some music lessons  to see how music is taught in Hungary. There will be made the evaluation. We will analyse the quality of the so far prepared results and will think what to change or improve, how the products are disseminated. We will discuss how to deal with the following activities and about the project e-Twinning platform and what should be put there and in which form. We will check if all schools have done their assigned tasks. There will be the TV interview to promote the project and the meeting with the local government in Town Hall. The host families will prepare the common dinner for the meeting participants and school community to promote the project, its European dimension.

          After the  meeting there will be a slideshow at each school for the students, teachers and parents to show what we have done during the visit.



          1. 1.Students  written projects with CDs on: Music in my life,
          2.  Teachers and st-s` lessons about music typical of partner countries
          3. Survey among teachers – How do they perceive the Project?: pros and cons



          1. Exchanging e-mails – st-s and tch-s, project`s website for t-chs and st-s to exchange the practices.









          The Second Year of the Project 2016/2017



          1. Videoconference - inter-meeting evaluation,
          2. Typical national food – A menu for the whole day with the preparation of the chosen dishes – st-s` slideshows, posters



          Meeting in Lithuania. Evaluation.

           "Let`s Meet Together : At the Table"

          1. The students of each school will present their slideshows on "Music in my life" and explain their choices. Then they will tell how they have collected the information about music typical for partner countries and how they prepared the lessons for their schoolmates about this subject.
          2. The participating schools will show their students` slideshows on "The Typical National Food" and the photos of their posters. Thus we will show what have been done between the L/T/T Activities at schools.
          3. There will be lessons held by Early Children Education and Care teachers for students and teachers with active training methods. Then we will have lessons  when all visitors cook their national meals and the students will describe the meals, their ingredients, how to prepare them and why they have chosen them. The idea is to learn from each other.
          4. Then participating students  with their teachers  will work on the glossary with the vocabulary connected with food.
          5. There will be the visit in a place of food production and students will discuss it later and prepare a photo reportage of it to show at their home schools. There  will be the press interview to promote the project and the meeting with the local government in Town Hall. The host families will prepare the common dinner for the meeting participants and school community. There will be carried out the evaluation. We will discuss how to deal with the following activities and about the project e-Twinning platform and what should be put there and in which form.

          After the  meeting there will be a slideshow at each school for the students, teachers and parents to show what we have done during the visit.





          1. Students prepare Christmas cookery book ,
          2. Lessons about Christmas traditions and food  in partner schools




          1. Videoconference to show what have been done and inter-meeting evaluation results



          Transnational Project Meeting in Spain. .This meeting is important because we want: to see if the one and a half–year project`s work fulfills its aims, what should be changed or improved, check the quality of the results, their dissemination, waek and  strong points, analyse the conducted evaluations, come to common conclusions  about the outcomes and its usage in the future. We can discuss the budget possible problems and we will talk about the future meetings. At the  Transnational Meeting will take part  3 teachers ( the headmasters will be asked to come) from each partner country at this meeting according to the regulations for tch-`s going abroad prepared at the begining of the project.  We have also analysed the sustainability and dissemination of project results before we had written the project. We have planned who, when and in which form  would be responsible at each school for these aspects to include it later into the schedule.

          After the  meeting there will be a slideshow at each school for the students, teachers and parents to show what we have done during the visit.



          1.Healthy food - lessons, presentations  and competitions on this subject – photos and scripts– prepared by students and teachers



          1.St-s` slideshows, posters : The Greatest Successes in Sport in my Country



          The meeting in Norway. Evaluation.

          "Let`s Meet Together : At Sports Activities".

          1. The Partner schools` students will tell what they know about partner schools` Christmas traditions and meals based on the common Christmas Cookery Book.
          2. Students will present their works connected with "Healthy food".
          3. The participating schools` students will show  and discuss their slideshows about "The Greatest Successes in Sport in my Country", prepared by their students.
          4. The participants will take part in a kind of match or another sports performance. The Norwegian teachers will prepare the P.E. lessons for partner school  students and teachers. The host school will organize the sports competitions for participants and host students, teachers and families.
          5. We will work on the  glossary of  all partner languages and English with the words connected with sport.
          6. Students will prepare the lesson: "How to start up a new business ?". Teachers will discuss the workshop which will be held in June by Norwegian teachers for all partner teachers by videoconference. The workshop will deal with : The role of the teacher - what to change and to improve?
          7. The Norwegian teachers will show the partner teachers the  example of lessons on entrepreneur education. We will discuss how to deal with the following activities and about the project e-Twinning platform and what should be put there and in which form, and if the outcomes are disseminated in a proper way. We will check if all schools have done their assigned tasks. There will be the meeting with the authorities and the local community. There is planned the TV interview to promote the project.

          After the  meeting there will be a slideshow at each school for the students, teachers and parents to show what we have done during the visit.



          1. Videoconference with workshop for t-chs: The role of a teacher - what to change and to improve?
          2. Lessons prepared both by st-s and t-chs  about Healthy Lifestyle with slideshows, posters




          1. Sport as my hobby – st-s` films and slideshows– all schools,
          2. Survey among students : What do they know about partner schools?




          1. Exchanging e-mails – st-s and t-chs, project`s website for t-chs and st-s to exchange the practices.-






          The Third Year of the Project 2017/2018



          1.Videoconference - inter-meeting evaluation - all schools,

          2. Historical places in our countries – st-s` slideshows and t-chs` lessons



          The meeting in Turkey. Evaluation.

          "Lets` Meet Together: At Historical Places".

          1. The students of partner schools will show  and discuss their slideshows and posters on: "Healthy lifestyles" and "Sport as my hobby". Thus we will show what have been done between the L/T/T Activities at schools.
          2.  Later we plan to visit the parliament in Ankara.
          3. The host school`s students  will prepare the  lessons about the political system in Turkey. We will also visit the historical place.
          4. The students will make a photo reportage of the trip with comments in international teams.
          5.  There will be held the lessons with the slideshows presentations about "Historical Places in all partner schools".The partner schools` students will tell about their lessons and the products they have  worked out such as posters. They can explain how they worked on these subjects with their teachers and show some photos and slideshows.
          6.  Teachers and students will   work in  teams on the glossary with the words  in all partner school  languages and English connected with history.  We will make the evaluation if project reaches its goals. We will also discuss how the videoconferences with questionnaires are perceived by students who conduct them and what are weak and good points of these activities. We will analyse the products which have been put and which will be located on the project e-Twinning platform and how the schools have realized the project activities and how  they are disseminated. We will discuss the following activities. There will be the  interview with local press and the meeting with the local politician. The host families will prepare the common meeting with school community and participants of the project.

          After the  meeting there will be a slideshow at each school for the students, teachers and parents to show what we have done during the visit.




          1. Lessons about partner schools` history and political systems in partner schools countries,
          2. st-s` posters and slideshows about political systems of partner countries




          1. Videoconference to show what have been done and inter-meeting evaluation results



          1. St-s` posters about  common history of partner schools to be seen in the school corridors;
          2. Our local hero – students` slideshows



          1. Staff meetings about the problem of Early school leaving – reasons and ways to prevent the phenomena;
          2. Each partner school chooses the photos of the meeting in their countries and prepares a slideshow with comments




          The meeting in Spain. Evaluation

          "Let`s Meet Together : As Friends".

          1. The partner schools` students will tell about their lessons on partner school`s history and political systems and such products as posters. They can explain how they work on these subjects with teachers and show some photos and slideshows.
          2.  The partner school students will show and discuss their slideshows about: "Our local hero" Thus we will show what have been done between the L/T/T Activities at schools.
          3. Then we will work out a common final product: the album which sums up our work in the project. It will contain the stages of our project in the form of photo reportage with comments. There will be some crucial data about partner schools, our objectives, strong and weak points of our partnership, what we have learned from each other.
          4. The students and teachers will work on the final  glossary including all collected words in partner languages and English.
          5.  We will make the "Quiz – what we know about each other? "to sum up the project .
          6.  Partner schools` teachers  will talk about the workshop which will be prepared by Spanish teachers for all partner teachers by videoconference in June. The workshop will will deal with early school leaving, will be based on the April staff meetings in all partner schools, worked out with conclusions. We will try to decide on the form of workshop.
          7. The  Spanish school will prepare the study of real life case,too. At the meeting we will make the evaluation to check if all results have been obtained, if the products are of proper quality and if all works have been done and if all assigned schools have realized their tasks. There will be the meeting with the local community at common dinner of host families for  project meeting participants. There will be the interview with the Andalusian TV when we meet the local authorities at Town Hall. At the visit, we will assign a group of teachers and students who will check if the project e-Twinning platform is visited  and how often our products are used by other teachers, educational organisations or students. We want to take care of the sustainability of our project`s results and we will assign a group of teachers to control that. We will check if project`s results have been disseminated  properly and if they have achieved the expected effect. We will also discuss the possible partnership in the future. We will discuss how to deal with the summing up meetings with the local communities at partner schools, concerning our project. We will talk about the report which each school has to fill at the end of the project.

          After the  meeting there will be a slideshow at each school for the students, teachers and parents to show what we have done during the visit.




          1. Videoconference for t-chs about Early School Leaving based on the worked out conclusions;
          2. Lessons and posters to be hung on the corridors on: What do we know about our partner schools?
          3. Meeting with the local community to present the project`s products, album
          4. Survey among parents : How do the parents perceive the project?
          5. English test to check the st-s`  and teachers` progress within the project




          1. Exchanging e-mails- st-s and t-chs, project`s website for t-chs and st-s to exchange the practices.
          2. REPORTS!