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Wizyta w Polsce 2012
W dniach 12-17 października gościliśmy w naszej szkole uczniów i nauczycieli ze szkół w Hiszpanii, Węgier i Włoch. Była to pierwsza z 5 wizyt jakie zaplanowaliśmy w ramach projektu Comenius "Different countries, but similar people", który będzie realizowany w naszej szkole do 2014 roku. Goście odbyli z nami podróż do Krakowa i Niedzicy, a w Częstochowie zwiedzili klasztor j asnogórski oraz spotkali się z władzami naszego miasta. Dzięki uprzejmości Urzędu Miasta Częstochowy mogliśmy się spotkać w sali sesyjnej z panem prezydentem Przemysławem Koperskim oraz naczelnikiem Wydziału Edukacji UM panem Ryszardem Stefaniakiem. Jak pracowaliśmy z naszymi przyjaciółmi i jak będziemy dalej pracować, można na bieżąco sprawdzać - zakładka WSPÓŁPRACA MIĘDZYNARODOWA. Oto kilka zdjęć z pobytu gości z zagranicy w naszej szkole:
Po zakończeniu wizyty nasi uczniowie przygotowali eseje:
October visit in Poland in 2012
In October we were hosting friends from Hungary: Kormányos Adrián, Nagy Victor and Blanka Medgyesi. Before our guests came to Poland, we thougt that they aren’t cool and that we will not get along with them. We were afraid that they are pensive and they will not like us and our families, but reality was completely different. When they came on Sunday they turned out to be very nice and funny people. In the evening we were talking all the time, with a brake for supper. On Monday when we arrived to school, we watched very different, but really cool performances. Hungarians showed us the funny scene about drunk builders, than Dorrotya sang folk songs, and at the end Victor, Andrea, Dorottya and Nándor danced falk dance. After this show we watched poeple from Spain presenting us their performence, but it wasn’t so cool. I think that we prefer our south neighbours` show. After Polish performance we had a lesson about stereotypes. After this we can confidently say that we were wrong about our guests. In the afternoon we are saw The Jasna Góra Monastery and we went to McDonald’s. But the evening was much more cool, because we were at garden party. It was amazing. We sang, laughted. We sat next to the fire. It was really exited for everyone. Next day we had a lesson about our common culture. It was really cool, because we saw Adrián`s talent. He can draw something amazing in only a few minutes! Okay, next point of the plan was the breake for second breakfast, than we watched presentations about Hungary, Spain and our school. We think the best was the film about school in Hungary. In the afternoon we had meeting with vice president od Częstochowa, Przemysław Koperski. When he answered our questions, he gave us leaflets with pictures, which promote our city. After that we had free time. The Hungarian wanted to buy something for they families, so we went with them to the Shopping Mall. In that place they had only about one hour, because at 6 p.m. we had to be in school, because our parents prepared supper with a disco. It was amazing! Everybody was dancing and laughting! In the breakes we took many photos. It is the best souvenir for us. The great fun didn’t last too long, because our guests left for their coutries at 5 a.m.! It was the saddest moment, everyone was crying. But it wasn’t so bad in the end, because in May we will go to Hungary and we will see them! It will be the best time in our lives. Now, a few days after the end of their travel we still have a very good contact at facebook and we can confidently confirm the name of the project. We are from different countries, but we are similar people, very similar people and in our eyes. It’s the most beautifull thing in the whole world.The essay was written by:
Ola Domalewska
Ola Grajcar
Paweł FraniaComenius visit in Poland
I think these three days have been wonderful for me and all who are in the Comenius project. We could have so much more to enrich English, which will definitely be useful to us in the future. I met a lot of wonderful people which really was hard to part with. We waited for him with all my family along with my grandmother and grandfather. l with my sister practiced English to be able to speak to him. Through traffic jams in Cracow they arrived later, which caused the desire to get to know all those people. Before his arrival I was a little curious to see if he would like to be in our house, or to taste his food specially prepared for him. I asked how he liked Cracow. The told that it was beautiful. When we got home I offered him hot dinner, we ate it gladly. Later, we talked all the time about my grandfather, who worked in Hungary. I showed him where our bedrooms and bathroom. Later he went to take a bath and went to bed. So we spent a very nice evening. The next morning we went to school, and her group classes. After school we came home to eat lunch and immediately we went to the town. We visited Jasna Góra, which he liked very much. We had free time, so we went with them to Mc'donald. In the evening we had planned a bonfire. There we sang songs: Polish and Hungarian. Generally speaking, we spent nice time together. In the morning when we woke up my mom was at work, so I had to do breakfast. On that day, we were going to meet with the president of Czestochowa. When we were in the town we went with them to the Shopping Mall, because they wanted to buy some souvenirs. In the evening, dinner was held at the school, with teachers and students. This supper was awesome. When we were at home we sat together at the table and Mickey played the guitar. We gave him a gift from us to as a souvenir. The next day we got up early and we were sad that Mickey had to come back home. When we arrived at school, he said goodbye to my parents, and they had to go to work. When the bus arrived it was very sad, but they had to go to their country. We all said goodbye to them many times, because no one wanted this adventure to be over. This is the proof that this statement is true: "Different countries but similar people." But fortunately in seven months, we'll see our friends again. I know it will be even harder to break up, then because surely we will get closer to each other. But maybe in the future there will be the opportunity to meet once again to reminisce about what it was before. So Comenius project offers new opportunities for language learning. It can also familiarize students with various wonderful people. We still keep in contact with them and I hope that it will be so for a long time. Some shy people can open to new knowledge which will definitely help them later in life. For me, this project has only advantages and should work as long as possible in our school. It's been a really amazing adventure. Wiktoria Drewniak