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Wizyta na Węgrzech 2013
W dniach 24.05.- 31.05.2013r. odbyła się trzecia wizyta robocza w ramach projektu Comenius: „ Different countries, but similar people”. To spotkanie przygotowała szkoła z Węgier, Kiskunfélegyháza.
Przyjechali również nasi partnerzy ze szkół z Włoch i Hiszpanii, w każdej grupie byli zarówno nauczyciele jak i uczniowie.
Wizyta rozpoczęła się w Budapeszcie, gdzie zgodnie założeniami projektu zwiedzaliśmy zabytki oraz zakon ojców Paulinów, z którego wywodzi się nasz zakon na Jasnej Górze. W drugim dniu wizyty udaliśmy się do Kiskunfélegyháza i uczniowie spotkali się z rodzinami goszczącymi.
Węgrzy przygotowali dla całej grupy quiz z zagadkami dotyczącymi ich miasta. Zadaniem każdego zespołu było zwiedzanie miasta, poznawanie jego zabytków i wyszukiwanie odpowiedzi na pytania quizu. Bardzo dobrze się przy tym bawiliśmy!
Następne dni spędziliśmy na pracy i zwiedzaniu. Byliśmy w Szetendre, Ópusztaszer i Visegradzie. Poznaliśmy tradycje węgierskie w Bugacpuszta.
W kolejnym dniu wizyty uczestniczyliśmy w zajęciach na terenie szkoły. Pokazano nam jak wyglądają sale lekcyjne, plany zajęć i jak przebiegają lekcje.
Mieliśmy możliwość spotkania z dyrektorem szkoły oraz nauczycielami. Uczniowie ze szkół partnerskich zaprezentowali przygotowane wcześniej pokazy slajdów i film o Pompejach. Wiele dowiedzieliśmy się o swoich miastach, krajach, lokalnych bohaterach i tradycjach obchodzenia świąt.
Uzgodniliśmy detale dotyczące następnej wizyty roboczej, która odbędzie się w Hiszpanii.
Oto kilka zdjęć z naszej wizyty (kliknij zdjęcie aby zobaczyć więcej):
A tak wspominają nasi uczniowie wizytę - oczywiście w języku angielskim:
From 24.05 to 31.05.2013, we were on the exchange of students in Hungary. Our trip started at 9 p.m. on Friday. At first we went by bus to Katowice city to the train station. We had the train at one past midnight on 25.04.2013. About 8.35 a.m we were on the train station in Budapest. Hungarian teacher, who coordinates the project in Hungary. Dora, the teacher, took us to the shrine, where is the Paulines’ Monastery. For us, people from Częstochowa it was really important place, because of Jasna Góra Monastery. Afterwards we went to the hotel ,,Papilon”, where our luggages and hot lunch waited for us. After allocation of rooms, we went in sequence to the Hungarian Parliament. In that place we were witnesses of change sentinel of the glass-case with the crown and scepter of the last King of Hungary. Then we went to see the city. It was really amazing. After that we returned to the hotel for supper. Next day we saw Dohána Synagogue and little village Sznetendre, where we could buy some souvenirs and eat lunch. In the afternoon we went to Kiskunfélegyháza. There we met with our host families. In their houses we ate suppers and took some rest. On Monday, Polish, Spanish and Hungarian students had quiz in small groups. The quiz was about Kiskunfélegyháza, so we could arrange a small tour of this city. After that the Hungarian took us by coach to the Pálosszentkút, another Paulines’ Monastery, and then we went to the Bugacpuszta. In the afternoon we returned to our host families for supper and some rest. Tuesday was the day for shopping and sightseeing in Szeged. Then we went to the Ópusztaszer Park, where we had some free time for sightseeing and relax. In that place we also saw panorama which showed the battle at the beginning of the formation of the Hungary. Next, like other days, we came back to our families’ houses. The last day of our trip was planned only in Móra Ferenc Gimnázium. In that day we saw Spanish presentation about their Easter, and Polish films about Pompei and our school and the slide show about Roman Zych, our local hero. Then, we took part in English and German lessons. After lunch and rest in our houses, we returned to school for performance and showing national Spanish, Hungarian and Polish dances. After the performance, we had the farewell supper in our Hungarian school. On Thursday, we returned to Budapest, but first some of us went to go sightseeing Visegrád. After that, Spanish people went to their flight home and we had to wait for our train. At 8.05 p.m. we said ,,goodbye” to Budapest and Hungary. On Friday, in the early morning at 4.10 a.m. we arrived safely and healthily to Katowice city, where our little bus to Częstochowa was waiting for us. At about 6 a.m. all of us were in our houses with tears in our eyes, because for the half of Polish students it was the last adventure with the Hungarian people. Our trip continued one week, but it was one of best trip we have ever had. We know that the trip was possible because of Comenius project which has been realized by our school and other European schools from Hungary, Spain and Italy.
Ola Domalewska
Kinga Ślęzak
Oliwia Olczyk
kl. III GIM.From 24th to 31th of May 2013, our Polish group had a trip to Hungary with the Comenius Project. In this work, we would like to show the similarities and differences between the Polish and Hungarian people. The main similarity between our countries are people who are friendly and nice. During the time we spent at the trip, we felt great with the Hungarian, because they could make a really friendly atmosphere. When students from Hungary, were coming to Poland in October their review of the Polish students was the same as we think now about Hungarian students. The second, essential similarity: taking care of cleanliness and greenery. Many Polish people have own gardens of flowers and the same situation was in Hungary, namely, there were lots of plants and flowers. Many people in Hungary are Catholic. It is the main religion… another similarity between our countries. The main similarity between the countries is that they take care about their culture and tradition. They love national dances which show their tradition. We have a lot of similarities.
The differences. The main difference between our countries are heavily seasoned dishes. Hungarians usually add chilli to their meals which is the symbol of dishes. Other differences are the names of dishes. In Hungary they have traditional goulash soup and in Poland we have a Polish stew which is a dish of porridge and meat given to a mushroom sauce but the name of it is also: Gulasz. Another difference is the language. The Hungarians speak very quickly and indistinctly. Poles speak slowly and thoroughly. Another difference is the second language. The Hungarians attach more importance to the language of German or Italian. At the senior year they have even a second language. Another difference is that the buildings look different in Hungary than in Poland. There are many old buildings in good condition. In Poland, however, because of the war, most of the sights are restored. We recommend all people to visit Hungary because it is a beautiful place. We are happy that we could visit Hungary thanks to Comenius Project.
Oliwia Olczyk
Kinga Ślęzak
Ola DomalewskaEssay: differences and similarities:
Poland and our school, and Hungary and their school:
In Hungary, there is a very big school, with many classes and students. This includes more than 2000 people. School as the school is very friendly the same as our school. However, it is older than our school, as indicated by its outward appearance. They have got a very nice atmosphere, the Poles made friends easily. Kiskunfileghaza is a rich town with many historical monuments and beautiful nature, while Brzeziny has less monuments. In the school, our friends from Hungary learn many other foreign languages, and they can choose them, while in our school we have only two foreign languages. Hungary also differs in buildings, and how they are built. Even the richest family homes are built with one floor. Our school consists of one building, and the Mora Ferenc Gymasium is made up of two buildings. Polish food is much milder than the Hungarian. We had the opportunity to try their traditional dishes. Some Hungarians make coffee with mineral water, which for us is very surprising. They eat dinner in the evening, as we eat large lunch in the afternoon. In the Hungarian town it is much quieter and nicer. Comenius project has given us many opportunities to learn about the European culture, customs and way of life and language of the Hungarian community. We have also improved our English, which gives us greater possibilities for the future. The trip could take longer, howeverJ.
Wiktoria Drewniak
Karolina Biernat
We enjoyed out time in Hungary. We visited and we saw a lot of different monuments. It was very interesting. After arriving in Budapest, we visited the temple. In the temple there is a monastery of Paulines. We met many interesting places. Later we visited the parliament. We saw there the crown and scepter of the first Hungarian king. This building was beautiful. We could see it from the window of our hotel. We walked around the city. The next day we were in the synagogue. We learned something about the religion. Later we were in Szetendre. There we could buy souvenirs and ate lunch. After dinner we went to Kiskunfélegyháza. We met there our families. We really miss them now, but we keep in touch on facebook.The next day we were solving a quiz about their city. We walked through the park and we were looking for different places. When we found the place we had to take a photo with us. Later we visited their church. Then we ate lunch.
The next day we went to Bugacpuszta. There was a show of horse riding. The shepherds played the bagpipes. After returning we had dinner with families who hosted us. The next day we visited Szeged. We were also shopping at the mall. We later visited Opusztaszer. The next day we worked on the project. We presented our country. After dinner we showed our folk dances and we were singing. We watched shows of our colleagues from other countries. It was great. We all really enjoyed ourselves. Then there was a farewell dinner. The next day we returned to Budapest. We shopped and visited the castle in Visegrad. Then we got back to the Polish train.
The whole trip was very exciting. We made friends with students from other countries. We met the Hungarian culture. It was a very interesting experience. Thanks to the Comenius project we could learn many new things.
Ola Grajcar
Kasia Zych